As we slowly phase in non-critical research at our facility, we have adjusted our standard practices to align with those of the University and the state. It is our mission to provide quality services and facilities for our users while keeping everyone safe. Click below to access important information and the daily heath screening form. Take your time to review the updated policies- and as always feel free to reach out the PGF with questions or concerns.
- Template Safety Plan
- Standard Safety Operations Procedures
- PGF Standard Operations Procedures
- Employee Health Screening Form**
**Must be completed on a daily basis**
External Users please reference the Employee Screening Checklist
Plant Growth Facilities (PGF) PGF is an Institutional Core Research Facility, under the Agriculture Experiment Station. We provide over 60k ft2 of research space, including greenhouses, growth chambers and biocontainment facilities, to a diverse research base. Check out our newest renovations here!
The PGF community includes approximately 40 faculty/PIs, 250 support staff and 300 undergraduates in the classroom and teaching greenhouse. Our researchers represent 5 different colleges and study a diverse range of plant material, including: Wheat, Corn, Potatoes, Rice, Salt Grass, Arabidopsis & Hemp.
Much of the plant based research that occurs throughout CSU initially started at the Plant Growth Facilities!
In addition to the broad range of research plants, PGF maintains a diverse tropical and desert plant collection in the Conservatory. These plant species provide educational opportunities for the Biology, Botany, and Horticulture labs and is open to the public for enjoyment.
The research space is available rent for use by Faculty, Staff and Graduate students. Please contact PGF for details.
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PGF Floormap
Requirements for PGF Access-(must be completed before keycard is activated)
- PGF Orientation
- Worker Protection Standard (WPS) Training
- (Virtual Training only, schedule TBD)
- Registration in Redbud
Plant Growth Facilities User Policy
PGF Orientation Overview and Agreement
Special Order Request Form
Office Hours: M-F 9:00-5:00, BUT may not be in office. If door is closed, we’re unavailable (gone, conference call, lunch). Please respect that the door is closed for a reason!
Email: cas_greenhouse@mail.colostate.edu
Email is best- appointments are always appreciated
After hours emergencies:
TEXT: 970-986-9427
Tammy Brenner-PGF Manager
Room 115
970.491.7140 (office)
Paul Freebury-Assistant Manager/Foreman
Room 115
970.491.7430 (office)
Staff email